Wednesday, September 5, 2012


After some serious air travel, I've arrived in Edinburgh! It's a little past 9 p.m. here and the study abroad program I'm a part of travelled for a little under 24 hours together. The flight I took from Boston had a few delays due to the wrath of Hurricane Isaac, but after three flights and three trips through security, it feels great to have finally arrived. Once in London, I was in such a sleepy haze and was questioning why so many airport advertisements for the Olympics were everywhere (after taking place in London of course...) and once on a bus at the airport, I was concerned as to why the driver drove on the opposite side of the road and I worried about oncoming traffic...(thankfully, my tiredness quickly passed and I realized where I was!)

I was most looking forward to the flight from London to Edinburgh. I was able to finish A Long, Long Way by Sebastian Barry which was wonderful, and it was sooo magnificent seeing the flatter, farming landscape of northern England drift to - when we broke through the clouds once in Scotland - hills! And so, so much green. We also saw quite a bit of blue sky and gorgeous clouds. However, emerging from the plane onto the runway brought fierce chill and...dark dark clouds rolling in! But, it's Scotland, no surprises there. :) It feels rural here. I'm writing from Edinburgh, the capital and major city, but it feels familiar and natural.

The friends I've made who are attending St. Andrews as well as The University of Edinburgh have been wonderful, we all enjoyed exploring the city tonight, I attaced some photos below. :)

The Edinburgh Castle

For my friends Katie and Amanda especially, who LOVE Harry Potter! (Where J.K. Rowling, a resident of Edinburgh, wrote Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone)

I know this journey will have it's ups and downs, as it already has, but I know that taking this risk is well worth the leap, while some days will be challenging, this experience will enrich my life and understanding of the world and others, and bring challenge and joy.

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