Friday, December 22, 2017

Moon & Stars

The moon and stars have been distracting lately. I think of the constellations seen from Monterey, the moon in California, and the stars in New Hampshire on a clear night this week. Seen when walking at night or stepping out of a car, or turning off a light before falling asleep. Admiring them, I think of how fast time moves, how infinite space is, of creating a life that is true and happy.


The urge to write has arrived less this year than last year, or the year before that. This saddens me, but I know if I push myself to write, it could (and likely would) return. There feels like less to share as I acclimate to life and work in California. I miss the east coast and New Hampshire at times, thinking of the people and traditions and community I know better than any other. Yet I continue to be awed by California’s mountains, wildlife, coast, trees, nature, and culture.  

Earlier this month. Morning in Cambria, CA.

Late November. Soledad, CA.

As I clean and categorize old photos during these days off, I’ve found myself seeing the many images captured during the two years I spent in New Hampshire before moving to California. They show each distinct season in the small towns I lived in and moved through. The memories remind me of how predictable and comforting that time could be. I’m not sure what the distant future holds. For now, I see opportunity and a life in California, but am grateful for visits to the east, to home. Seeing the snow fall outside today brings me back to the winters I remember, even if the evening clouds mask moon and stars.

Thanksgiving Day. Pacific Grove, CA.