Friday, March 28, 2014

Updates and Religion

Greetings! I wish I had a really great post full of images and fun experiences to write about, but I don't today. Life has been busy!  It's certainly been busier before, but it's still pretty crazy. I've been waking up ultra-early each morning this week and despite the struggle, it's been an excellent choice! Mornings are inspiring too. I'm happy to share that my thesis will be finished on Sunday! It's just about there now, but could use a few more healthy read-throughs. This week I've begun to wonder about what I'll do with my time once it's turned in. Thankfully, there's still plenty to accomplish!

While at my parent's house last week, I set down the introduction of my thesis that I was editing at one point, and thought the scene might make a nice picture. 

On Tuesday evening, the Saint Michael's College center for peace and justice hosted A. Rashied Omar, a scholar at the University of Notre Dame's Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies. When not teaching at Notre Dame (June-December), Omar works as an Imam (the Muslim equivalent to a priest or reverend) at a mosque in his native Cape Town, South Africa. I was particularly interested in Omar because of his involvement in South Africa's anti-apartheid movement and relationship with both Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela. He spoke about intra-religious dialogue, the practice of Christians speaking with and communicating with Christians who may hold more or less strict religious views and Muslims doing the same with Muslims along with other faiths. The next morning, he spoke to my peace and justice class about the role of religion, emphasizing ten points. He elaborated on every point, citing specific examples and ideas, but just the list itself is eye-opening and informational. It made me think and I hope it does the same for you. 

The Role of Religion (by A. Rashied Omar)
1.) Modernization Thesis
2.) Definition of Religion
3.) Sanctity of Human Life
4.) Human Dignity
5.) Embracing "the other"
6.) Prophetic Theology
7.) Religion -- State Typologies
8.) Civil Society
9.) Social Spirituality
10.) Faith and Hope

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