Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Blue Skies & Bagels

I wish I had some effective way to describe the past week besides the middle-of-the-night stream of consciousness found below. Put simply, it's been a good week.

I have a large chunk of my senior thesis due tomorrow and it's just about there. I've enjoyed designing the book's cover, choosing fonts and design, even the slight frustration of the learning curve of laying out the book through an adobe program has been enjoyable enough.

In the mornings, I've read plenty of the New York Times, specifically focusing on Ukraine. I resurrected running after a pair of shin splints kept me away for a week, and I continued reading a couple of war novels.

By night, I slept, read over the same chunks of my thesis again and again, shivered in the sub-zero weather, attended a birthday party and made a peanut butter pie for said birthday party.

At unknown times of day, I completed a couple of job interviews (oh man, real world time), listened to piano music played by a friend, coordinated the arrival of a $10,000 award for a local organization, and ate a few too many bagels.

In between such activities, I realized that I must leave Vermont. As soon as possible. Immediately, if it's an option. It's beautiful here, of course. It's just the never-ending-winter. A few friends and I nearly ran (not walked!) to the nearby Burlington airport when a new direct flight from Burlington to Orlando was announced.

Despite the ice, snow and chill, the increasingly frequent blue skies have brought a bright spot. This morning, as I laid on the far end of my bed near the window editing my thesis, a path of sunshine streamed in and I noticed something different about the large oak (actually, it might be pine...) tree outside my window. It was so attractive against the blue sky. Something had changed. Spring buds had arrived. They're small, but they're there.

This morning.

The current (tentative) cover of my thesis! The photograph might be changed later but for now I like it. I took the the photograph in Middlebury in early August 2013. I had just arrived for a dinner with a friend after driving through the Green Mountain national forest mountain range. It was an adventure. :)

Cover and one of the chapters. 

Sarah turns 22! 

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