Monday, May 30, 2016

Images of March, April & May

It's difficult to squeeze images of the last three months into one post. But as March was dominated by western scenery and April and May brought seasonal change as well as my final months living in Meredith, it felt right to include these three months together. Plus, my blogging game needs to step it up and get caught up. These months were some of the busiest that I can remember, but also some of the happiest and most reflective, with an emphasis placed upon change, challenge, and seeking new opportunities. Besides personal travel out west, there was plenty of job interview travel (more on that soon), local adventures, and a series of images of doors. I'm not sure why, but think I'm going to continue that door photography trend. As a side note too, it seems fair to say that spring is a single month season in northern New England: just the month of May. While still in the month at the moment, I think summer has already arrived. 

Early March. Lake Waukewan, Meredith, NH

Boston, early in the morning on the first day of spring.

Dan and I attempted to shop for plants on the first day of spring. Selection was small, but there were a couple of winners.

Early April! A melted Lake Waukewan. Meredith, NH

A chilly hike. Holderness, NH

The Atlantic! York, Maine.

Lunch with one of my best friends in Lexington, Massachusetts brought these lovely flowers!

Assembling my own line-up. 

The interior of the Round Church in Richmond, Vermont. I love the architecture, serenity and history of this 16-sided wooden interfaith church and try to visit whenever possible for a few peaceful moments.

Richmond, Vermont.

Vermont State House, Montpelier, VT. So much sun!

On this trip through Vermont, Dan and I found a sweet thrift store in Middlesex, VT where this awesome tie lived and was purchased. While purchased for his use, I nearly swiped it to try out this neck bow look more regularly. 

Meredith, NH

Holderness, NH

Bristol, NH

Overcast morning in D.C. Monuments from afar.

Blossoms in NH.

Blossoms in VT.

Lake Waukewan, Meredith, NH

Holderness, NH. So much peace and green. 

Lone loon on Lake Waukewan, Meredith, NH

Meredith, NH, late May. 

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