Thursday, October 22, 2015

Looking Beyond the Differences and Transition

When I think of the experiences had in college versus the working world, there are so many differences that come to mind, but I think particularly for women and men of my generation and perhaps generations past and generations to follow, it's the transition from inspiration, involvement, and a learning environment where importance is placed on the value of every person. I've loved my role in the workplace the past year-plus and don't see myself returning to university, but I remember those moments of unity, and the feeling of accomplishment and belief in one another and oneself that manifest so naturally in college.

I would think as different generations of varying values accustomed to different forms of media and interaction come together today in workplaces and elsewhere, there are sure to be natural adjustments. Workplaces bring structure, accomplishment, positivity and leadership, but I've found the experience of being a young woman in college and in the workplace today to be a stark transition. It's not quite a step back, but it's a step in a different direction. This Washington Post article from last week really spoke to me. It's something I see both in the workplace and society. I don't remember noticing it much during college among others or myself when speaking up in class to another student or to a professor. The empowerment was already there.

Thinking of these differences reminded me of the strong social justice culture and optimism present on college campuses today. Certainly those with the privilege of education are swept into these movements, and I want to believe activism and social justice are not accessible only to those able to attend and afford university. I was reminded today when re-reading one of Maya Angelou's poems on graduation how far away that activism and attention to social justice feels once out of college. Bits of Angelou's poem Commencement Address brought back those original goals and thoughts upon leaving college, along with the reminder of continuing to follow and seek the differences we can make for our world.

Selections from Commencement Address by Maya Angelou

And now the work begins
And now the joy begins
Now the years of preparation
Of tedious study and
Exciting learning are explained

Look beyond your tasseled caps
And you will see injustice.
At the end of your fingertips
You will find cruelties,
Irrational hate, bedrock sorrow
And terrifying loneliness.
There is your work.

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