Sunday, March 22, 2015

Peace & Balance

Seven months ago I moved to the lakes of New Hampshire. They've been extraordinary months of change and adaptation and learning. They've also been filled with moments of discovering a balance between personal and professional, family and friends, and social distance and closeness.

Sometimes I've felt a bit like I did during the eight months I spent in Scotland two years ago. I ventured to both locations alone, living on my own and slowly engraining myself into the community. And in both, after finding acceptance and happiness, I found peace, a joy and comfort in each day.

There are still many moments, when I'm unsure of the next step or hesitant of the barriers lining the path forward. Yet there is so much comfort and encouragement between this peace and healthy balance, far less fear and more confidence in venturing forward, even when not certain.

Sunrise above the clouds, yesterday morning

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