Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Sunsets & Clear Skies

It's funny how a weather pattern can feel so personal and fitting. Late last week, I said goodbye to my grandmother with a sun setting outdoors, staining the sky orange. In the days since, clear skies and bright sunsets have continued. Despite the cold days and nights, when I see the clear sky, I think of that moment, but also the broad challenge of living how I should, how she did, and working to embody the love, inclusion and consistent sweet spirit and kindness she spread.

Nature has a way of allowing us to feel closer to those we love and miss. It's as if the natural surroundings are so beautiful that we believe they must be shared between the two worlds. It feels natural to turn to when there is no clearer answer, it's unexplainable, physically beautiful, and calming. 


  1. Hi Liz -- it's Sara V. I wanted to write briefly to say that I am sorry about your grandmother's passing from this world. At the same time, it gladdens my heart to hear of you feeling her spirit in your reflections and in your time with nature. I wish you well, and please feel free to reach out if you need someone to talk to.

  2. Liz, thank you for your blog. I love what you write about and how you write it. Always looking forward to more.
