Sunday, July 29, 2018

Learning about Forest Bathing

Over the weekend, I read the book Forest Bathing by Dr. Qing Li. I'd seen the book recently at a bookstore and was so intrigued by its premise on the necessity of spending time in nature and among forests, that I set out to save my cash and join the waiting list for it at my local library. The book didn't disappoint! In addition to being a medical doctor, Li is an expert in forest medicine, a medicine that I didn't know existed. The book focuses on how time spent quietly in nature and taking in the forest through all five senses (aka forest bathing) is necessary for humans.

The book was right up my alley as I love forests and trees. What I didn't expect to learn was how beneficial being among trees could be to one's mood and health. 

The author explores how more than half of the world's population live in cities, with the percentage expected to rise by 2050. After reading about his vast personal experience exploring and finding relaxation in forests, it was comforting to read that he now lives in Tokyo. Excellent ways to seek out forest bathing in urban environments were offered, including spending time in parks and green spaces, and to walk slowly to receive the full benefits of peace and tranquility in nature. 

I've often felt the greatest spiritual connection while in forests and nature, and reading about the health benefits and natural connection humans have to trees has encouraged me to continue pursuing outdoor walks near my rural workplace, to supplement some of my time at the gym for walks in nature, and to more frequently visit my favorite redwood groves on the weekends and when time allows. 

Two favorite lines from Forest Bathing:

"We love nature because we learned to love the things that helped us to survive. We feel comfortable in nature because that is where we have lived for most of our life on earth. We are genetically determined to love the natural world. It is in our DNA."

"Nature takes out breath away and breathes new life into us." 

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